How Charity Shapes Our Coffee and Cast Iron: A Commitment to Ethics and Quality

I know this is supposed to be a coffee and cast iron blog, but I want to talk about charity and how it informs what we do.

Outside of the Captain Grims brand, my wife and I help run a couple of charities.  Inside of Captain Grims we try to take a charitable and considered approach to everything we do.  When we source coffee, we source it from companies that are ethics forward, we research the farms the coffee is coming from and we believe in this so much that we stopped selling Yirgacheffe coffee while Ethiopia was going through a labor war and Yirgacheffe has been our customer’s favorite since we launched.

We also partner with charities to provide them with fundraising opportunities through our private labeling service.  We cut no corners on this either.  The very same coffee produced for Captain Grims is what we produce for these charities and we absorb the entire cost of the donation and don’t pass that on to their customers.

We hope to put all of these things into practice with the launch of BeeCoAvo.  It’s taken us a long time to get where we are with our coffee, but we’ve learned a lot and have a significantly better start on it with every new product we bring to the table.

Coffee and Culture

Coffee has permeated every culture on Earth.  It’s a fundamental part of every day life for billions of people.  Coffee is unique in its ability to be a social and economy driver.  From first dates to board meetings, from breakfast with the family to the late night grind, coffee is there.

There’s something special about coffee at every level, from enjoying the complex flavors of Geisha right on down to the late night road trip stop for a cup of gas station coffee.  Coffee is so ubiquitous to the human condition that it’s a market that simply cannot be over saturated.

We’re happy to be considered among the best in the business when it comes to quality and handcrafted coffee.

Handcrafting Lifestyles

We really believe we should touch the things we send to you.  From the coffee we roast, to restoring cast iron, to crafting and pouring our cast-iron-care products, we want to know exactly what we are sending you.

It’s not enough to stand over the stove and hand stir your coffee beans, or to pour over every detail of a vintage Wagner as I scrub it to death, or to mix our blend of Dry Cast Iron Oil myself.  In the future, I want every piece of merch to be made by us or to be done through a partner that lets us on the ground floor of their operation.

Without you, these wouldn’t even be ideas we could imagine are possible, but here we are.  The future for Captain Grims is truly limitless and we’re excited to approach this journey with new vigor and motivation.